The liturgy committee will deal with the Liturgical decor of the inside of the church and organization of the Liturgy. This includes but is not limited to banners, the Altar, Altar servers, Sacristans, after Mass straightening, Ushers/Greeters, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist, seasonal decorating, linens, Sacristans, Holy Days and changing of the books. The primary job of this committee is to ensure and prepare the church for celebration of the Sacraments.
Contact the Parish Office at 907-488-2595.
Members of this committee foster community within the parish membership and new members/visitors. They will organize cookie elves, kitchen elves and fellowship time after Masses or celebrations. They will also coordinate the welcoming packet and ensure new parish members feel welcome. They will create new ways to foster fellowship amongst parishioners.
The social committee is primarily responsible for planning and organizing special social activities for the parish. These may include, but are not limited to: the Pignic, Sweetheart Dance, Feast Days, and White Elephant Bingo.
The main role of the building maintenance committee is to ensure the building is running smoothly through upkeep and maintenance. This will include beautification and upgrades to the building.
Contact Justin Renner, Committee Chair at 907.590.7412.
The fundraising committee will organize events to raise money to support parish activities and offset costs as needed. They may include, but are not limited to: Fall Bazaar, Quilt Raffle, Rummage Sale, and Building Fund.
Contact Rochelle Renner, Committee Chair at 907.490.6446 or [email protected].
The grounds committee will be in charge of caring for the campus. This includes hauling trash, plowing/shoveling snow, mowing the grass and watering the flowers. We need volunteers AND a Committee Chair for this committee. The Committee Chair is NOT obligated to do everything themselves. They will use the list of volunteers to make sure the work gets done.
Contact the Pastoral Council Chair at [email protected].
The funeral committee will support grieving families with prayer, food and fellowship. Members will provide time to set up, take down and serve after funeral Masses. Members will also provide food and support for the funeral.
Contact Ruth Segler, Committee Chair at 907.799.5681 or [email protected].